Welcome to join painting experiences

Art Lounge 3e offers a space for you to explore art, express yourself, and engage with the community.

Through techniques, mediums and  various styles of the great masters, art presents endless possibilities. Ghada is passionate about making art available and possible for everyone with or without previous art skills.

Join with open mindedness and a great sense of humour.

All materials are provided along with beverages.





Independent sessions

2 to 3 hours

Exploring art

Trying an art experience with adaptable themes for different occasions and celebrations.



4 workshops

2+1 hours (each)

Developing art skills

Having a deeper exploration and wider understanding of particular topics styles and mediums.


Corporate events

Team building activities

2 to 5 hours 

Sharing fun time

Promoting thinking out of the box, collaborating in different ways or highlighting diversity.



From Andrea S. (April 2023)

I had a wonderful time at the event. Ghada’s presentation was very clear and informative. I appreciated all the instruction, help and encouragement during my first painting project since I was a young kid! I look forward to Ghada getting her business going so we can book another session!

From Social Hub Lund (May 2024)

We just completed our Intuitive Art sessions this May at Medborgarskolan, and what a vibrant, transformative experience it was for the Social Hub community! 🌟
Throughout this journey, we learned to channel our emotions and explore our creative capacities with an array of colors and textures🎨✨
A huge thank you to Ghada Anderson from Art Lounge 3e for her incredible guidance. Ghada’s expertise and warmth created a welcoming space where everyone felt free to express themselves and enjoy the beautiful moments that art can bring 🖌️
The month of May was truly a burst of color and creativity, filling our hearts and minds with inspiration and joy 🌈✨ We are grateful for the connections we made and the creative energies we unleashed together.
Stay tuned for more exciting activities coming this summer! We can’t wait to continue this journey of creativity and community with all of you

Från Cécile Tartar (April 2023)

Det var en lugn atmosfär. Jag kände mig trygg och även om jag är dålig på att rita fick du mig ändå att känna mig stolt över det jag hade skapat. Jag lärde mig olika tekniker (att välja pensel, att blanda färger, att dra olika sorters ”streck”). Ghada var väldigt lugn och pedagogisk och hade tid med oss alla, så jag kände mig sedd och uppskattad. Ghada fick oss att skapa något efter vår egen förmåga. Ghada tog fram det bästa från oss alla.

From Cynthia (August 2023)

I have so far done 2 art experiences with Ghada at Art Lounge 3E. As I am not an artist and very inexperienced in art, for me these experiences are therapeutic as well as fun. I didn’t know I could produce beautiful pieces just within a few hours. I was completely immersed and focused, then went home happy and peaceful. Ghada is a very knowledgeable mentor as well as a great company. I will definitely do more of this in the near future. Very worth time and investment spent.



Ateljé Råbygård, Stora Råby Byaväg 28, Lund – Sweden




© copyright Art Lounge 3e 2024